Thursday, 5 June 2014

My Day and Night Creams

Lacura Aqua-Complete Moisturiser 
£1.99 (available at Aldi)

I've tried many moisturisers in the past, but I always go back to this one. And at only £1.99, who can blame me! It may sound too good to be true, but remember that Aldi's skincare brand Lacura produced an award winning anti-wrinkle cream that went flying off the shelves a couple of years ago. The key to Lacura's success is simplicity (and price, but mainly simplicity I promise...). It doesn't overwhelm products with overzealous chemicals and far fetched ingredients. The formula seems as 'natural' as creams can be, forming a really hydrating moisturiser and make up base for skin. 

My skin is oily to combination (with a problem T-zone, as per). Aqua-Complete is really light so it doesn't weigh down my skin- this is important when applying make up as you don't want to clog up your pores with too many layers. I even wear this cream on make-up free days, as it keeps my skin hydrated and feeling fresh without producing too much oil. 

No7 Beautiful Skin Night Cream
 (£13.50, available at Boots)

Before trying to convince you that this cream is the Holy Grail of the night (after sleep, obvs), remember that it clearly states 'Normal/Oily' on the front. If you have dry skin look away now. Only joking, the No7 range has other fantastic lines and products for sensitive/dry/ageing etc skin. 

Once again, I've tried other night creams but this is my favourite. The day cream version is also good, but I'm satisfied with my Aldi cream (think about the monies too!). 

What's so great about this night cream is that it absorbs itself really easily into skin. In the past, a lot of other night creams have ended up smeared all over my pillow as opposed to my face. Youthful, plump pillows aside, the cream has a good consistency and is really hydrating. However, I do sometimes wake up with oily skin, especially around my nose - don't apply too much cream around your T-zone if like mine it's particularly oily! 

Other than that, I can't complain: it both tones and softens my skin at the same time. Night creams are generally more expensive than day creams, but luckily £13.50 isn't at all steep (unless compared to my Aldi cream!). 

Admittedly, my skin has never been particularly problematic (odd spot here and there, bit of oil, you know the usual). I've never had rough or acne prone skin thus far in life *touches wood*, therefore wouldn't be able to recommend good creams from personal experience, only from what people have told me. However, if you're not happy with your skin I would definitely give the Lacura line from Aldi a go, as unlike No7, everyone I speak to praises it and I'm yet to hear a complaint about it. 

Moisturisers and creams are a tricky nail to hit -experimenting with make up and skincare products is always great fun, but when it comes to day and night staples, if it ain't broke, do not even try to think about attempting to fix it. Just joking....but seriously, you only get one skin and once you have the winning formula, hold onto it. It can change over time, but jumping from one cream to the next won't have the same effects as sticking to a loyal brand. 

G x 

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